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Help Your Child to Talk eBook

Help Your Child to Talk eBook ..jpg

Price £15

Help your child to talk with the fun games and activities within this instant-access eBook.



These fun activities can be done daily, woven into your already busy day or with special time to talk 15 minute sessions.



Choose your favourite games to repeat over and over and delegate some activities to family members and friends to do with your little one too!



Created by a Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist, these are the EXACT games and activities I use with the families I've worked with for over 15 years.



For use with children who:

🌸 are late to talk

🌸 are not saying many or any words

🌸 suspected or diagnosed with Autism

🌸 only say a few words and you'd like them to talk a little more

🌸 use signing and symbols to communicate



This is a very simple pdf document with 23 pages of strategies, activities and games. You will see the most progress with your child if you carry out these activities regularly and consistently over a period of time (i.e. 6 weeks or more).

When you order you will receive login details to access the eBook and bonus videos in The Speech & Language Garden.


You will have unlimited access via your login.

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If you're hoping for more in-depth support for your child, have a look at my

Helping Your Child to Talk course.


We'll start with a brief assessment before moving through the same weekly therapy sessions I do with children and families in my own clinic.


There's NO WAITING LIST we can start straight away 🌷


Here's the information:

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